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Indiana University Bloomington
Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Useful Links

Tutorials, Courses, Software
ThermoFisher Cell Analysis Educational Videos and Webinars
BD Biosciences Self-Paced Courses
Practical Flow Cytometry by Howard Shapiro (free use through CoulterFlow - registration required)
BD Biosciences Applications
Flow Cytometry Courses (Verity Software House)
Floreada (free web-based flow cytometry analysis software)
FCS Express  software, and support - for more information about FCS Express availability at IU Bloomington, visit the Data Analysis page.
FlowJo software, and tutorials and manuals – for more information about FlowJo availability at IU Bloomington, visit the Data Analysis page.
Instrument User Guides and Manuals
Books, Journals and Articles
Cytometry Part A - Journal
Biosafety Article: Biosafety guidelines for sorting unfixed cells, Schmid, et al, Cytometry 28:99-117, 1997
Flow Cytometry - A Basic Introduction (book)
Flow Cytometry Wiki
Bioinformatics Standards for Flow Cytometry
Minimum Information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment (MIFlowCyt): "A standard for outlining the minimal information required to report the experimental details of flow cytometry experiments."
Organizations and User Groups
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories (PUCL) – lots of great links, helpful information, home of the cytometry mailing list
International Society for Advancement of Cytometry
Indiana Flow Users Group (quarterly meetings - virtual)