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Indiana University Bloomington
Flow Cytometry Core Facility



FACSAria IIu (Athena)

Flow cytometry sorter with FACSDiva software

The Aria IIu is a high-speed digital cell sorter capable of analyzing 17 parameters including up to 14 colors.  The IU Bloomington Aria II is a custom build unit that includes:

  • 5 lasers: Blue 488nm, Yellow-Green 561nm, Red 640nm, Violet 407nm, and UV 355nm.
  • FSC-PMT for sub-micron particle discrimination 
  • 4 nozzles sizes: 70um, 85um, 100um, and 130um
  • Aerosol management system
  • Temperature control system
  • 2 and 4 way sorting
    • 2 way sorting into 5mL or 15mL tubes
    • 4 way sorting into 5mL or 1.5mL tubes

It has an Automated Cell Deposition Unit (ACDU) designed for sorting into multiwell plates or onto microscope slides.

More information about the FACSAria can be found at: BD FACSAria

Aria II Configuration [pdf] - updated configuration, same filters!

Aria II User's Guide [pdf]

The Aria II is run by a dedicated flow cytometry technician – please contact the facility if you are interested in having samples run.

Cost for usage:   $125.00/hr (including start up and shutdown)

MACSQuant VYB (Mercury)

Mobile (on-a-cart) flow cytometry analyzer (arrived Summer 2017)

The MACSQuant VYB is a 3-laser, 8-color analyzer. Capabilities of the MACSQuant VYB include:

  • 3 lasers: Blue 488nm, Yellow-Green 561nm, Violet 404nm
  • SSC and FSC PMTs off the 561nm laser
  • Minisampler for multi-tube (24 x 5ml) and multi-well plate (96-well) analysis
  • Chill 5 and Chill 96 racks for sample analysis at 4C
  • Absolute counting
  • Automated start-up and shut-down

MACSQuant VYB [specifications sheet]

The top priority for the MACSQuant VYB is for teaching purposes; however, when not in use for teaching, researchers have the option to receive training and self-run the instrument. Due to the mobility of the instrument, its intended use is in the research lab, not in the flow facility.

Cost for usage:   User run: $75.00/hr (0-4hrs, including training), $50/hr (4.25+ hrs)  
     Technician assisted:  $125.00/hr

CytoFLEX LX (Apollo)

Flow Cytometry Analyzer with CytExpert software - available for training (arrived summer 2023)

Please use the following text in any publications using the CytoFLEX LX: "This equipment was funded in part by the IU Office of Research through the Research Equipment Fund."

The CytoFLEX LX is a 4-laser, 15-color analyzer. Capabilities of the CytoFLEX LX include:

  • 4 lasers: Violet 405nm, Blue 488nm, Yellow-Green 561nm, Red 640nm
  • VSSC off the 405nm laser
  • Multi-well plate (96-well) analysis
  • Absolute counting

CytoFLEX configuration [PDF]

The CytoFLEX LX has a Violet SSC detector for small particle analysis.

Cost for usage:   User run and training: $75.00
     Technician assisted: $125.00 (introductory)

SH800 (Persephone)

Flow Cytometry sorter available for training.

Please include the following text in any publications using the SH800: "This equipment was supported in part, with support from the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, funded in part by Grant Number UL1 TR002529 from the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Clinical and Translational Sciences Award."

The SH800 is a self-service sorter and is the newest addition to the IU-B FCCF (November 2019).

  • 2-lasers: 488 and 561nm
  • Filter sets: FL1 - 525/50, FL2 - 585/30, FL3 - 617/30, FL4 - 685/30, FL5 - 720/60, FL6 - 785/60 
  • Lasers are co-linear: cells/particles pass through both lasers at the same time
  • Fluorophores that excite with different lasers but emit in the same filter CANNOT be used together 
  • 2-way (1.5, 5 and 15ml tube) and 96-well plate sorting 
  • Temperature control 5C sample and collection area option
  • Unit is housed in a bioBUBBLE

SH800 Filter Set [Filter Set]

SH800 Instructions [Operator's Guide]

SH800 Chip Selection Guide [Chip Selection]  

Cost for usage:   User run and training - $75.00/hr (including start up and shutdown)
    Technician run - $125.00/hr (including start up and shutdown)
COPAS Select (Achelous)

Flow cytometry large particle sorter

The COPAS Select is a large particle sorter, which in highest sort mode, can sort from 15-25 events per second.  It can sort C. elegans, Drosophila, plant seeds and cells, and beads, and can perform multicolor analysis of up to 3 colors.

The COPAS Select at the IUB FCCF has these specifications:

  • 1 laser: 15mW 488nm (Blue) excitation
  • Detection of Green, Yellow, and Red emission wavelengths (510, 550, and 610nm)
  • Flow cell size:  500µm – can collect events from 20-350µm in diameter
  • 1 way sorting: into collection device (petri dish)
  • X-Y stage: for sorting into 24 or 96-well plates
  • Advanced Acquisition Package (AAP) for increased sensitivity and faster analysis

More information can be found at: https://www.unionbio.com/copas/FP-500.aspx (equivalent updated version; the facility has the older SELECT)

The COPAS Select is run by a dedicated flow cytometry technician – please contact the facility if you are interested in having samples run.

Cost for usage:   $60.00/hr (including start up and shutdown)
Moxi Z Cell Counter

Cell and particle Counter

The Moxi Z instrument is a cell and particle counter that reports both cell counts and concentration of a cell population, as well as size distribution of that cell population.
More information about the Moxi Z cell counter can be found at: https://www.orflo.com/moxi-z/

Cost for usage:   Cost of cassettes (TBD)

Moxi training is available and users may self-run this instrument after a short training session.  Alternatively, users may have our dedicated technician run samples for them.

QuadroMACS cell separator

Magnetic cell sorting

The QuadroMACS is a gentle magnetic cell separator used in conjunction with Miltenyi Biotec's LD and LS columns.
More information about the QuadroMACS can be found at: https://www.miltenyibiotec.com/US-en/products/quadromacs-separator-and-starting-kits.html

Cost for usage:   LS and LD columns (users purchase LS and LD columns directly from the manufacturer)

Users may check out the QuadroMACS magnet for use in their own lab.

LSRII (Hades) - retired 2024

Flow cytometry analyzer with FACSDiva software and HTS option

The LSRII is a high-speed digital 4 laser analyzer, capable of multicolor analysis of up to 13 colors and detects up to 16 parameters.  The LSRII includes the following:

  • 4 lasers: Violet 405nm, Blue 488nm, Yellow-Green 561nm, and Red 637nm
  • Sample injection port (SIP) diameter: 150um

LSRII Configuration [pdf]

LSRII User's Guide [pdf]

LSRII training is available and users may self-run this instrument after a training period.  Alternatively, users may have our dedicated technician run samples for them.

Cost for usage:   User run and training - $75.00/hr
    Technician run - $112.00/hr

Please contact the facility for more information!